CAM Constitution

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CONSTITUTION FOR THE CLASSICAL ASSOCIATION OF MASSACHUSETTS (2007) Article I : Name, Establishing Authority, and Purpose
Section 1.
The name of the organization is the Classical Association of Massachusetts (C.A.M.)
Section 2.
This document shall replace and supersede all previous constitutions of the Classical Association of Massachusetts and is duly adopted by a unanimous vote of the general membership of the Association in attendance at its regular spring business meeting on March 31, 2007.
Section 3.
The purpose of the Classical Association of Massachusetts shall be to promote, initiate, improve,and extend the study of Classical languages and civilizations by enlisting public support and encouraging an interchange of ideas and materials among Classics teachers at all levels of education in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts.
Section 4.
To attain these purposes, the Classical Association of Massachusetts shall
•publish a newsletter (currently known as the CAMel Courier),
•conduct a spring meeting to transact business in conjunction with speakers and/or workshops, •maintain representation on the boards of the Classical Association of New England (CANE),
the Massachusetts Foreign Language Association ( MaFLA), The Massachusetts Junior Classical League (MJCL), and the Council of the American Classical League (ACL)
•assist the Massachusetts Junior Classical League,
•elicit, sponsor, and coordinate sessions in the field of Classics at the meetings of the
Massachusetts Foreign Language Association (MaFLA),
•sponsor and coordinate the Massachusetts portions of CANE events and contests,
•maintain and update a website of the organizationʼs endeavors and Classical events
•make an annual award to a teacher at any level for “Excellence in the Teaching of Classics” •and engage in such other activities as may be appropriate or as are specified in the bylaws.
Section 5.
The Classical Association of Massachusetts shall be supported by dues, membership fees, voluntary contributions, endowments, bequests, or in such a manner and through the transaction of business as the membership may deem advisable for the best interests of the Association as indicated by a vote of the membership.
Section 6.
The Classical Association of Massachusetts shall be an unincorporated not for profit association. The private property of the
members and officers shall not be subject to the payment of the debts of the Classical Association of Massachusetts to any extent whatsoever.
Section 7.
Since the Classical Association of Massachusetts has been established and is operated exclusively for educational purposes, no
part of its net earnings shall ever be used for the personal benefit of any member or officer. In the event of its termination or
dissolution, any assets remaining after the payment of any and all debts shall be divided evenly and assigned to the American Classical League and the Classical Association of New England.
(updated 9/18/11)
Article II : Membership
Section 1.
Membership in the Classical Association of Massachusetts shall be open to all teachers of Classical languages, culture, and civilizations and to all others who support the purposes of the Association. Membership shall be conveyed upon payment of the regular membership dues as specified in the bylaws and upon fulfillment of other provisions listed in the bylaws.
Article III : Officers and Powers
Section 1.
The 5 officers of the Classical Association of Massachusetts shall be the President, the Vice President, the Secretary, the Treasurer, and the immediate Past President.
Section 2.
The appointed positions of the Classical Association of Massachusetts shall be the newsletter editor and the representatives to Classical Association of New England (CANE), the Massachusetts Foreign Language Association (MaFLA), The Massachusetts Junior Classical League (MJCL), and the Council of the American Classical League (ACL).
Section 3.
The Vice President shall be elected by the membership in accordance with Article VII and shall serve a two-year term.
Upon completion of this term the Vice President shall succeed the President and serve for a two year term as President. An
attempt shall be made to alternate these two offices between the eastern and western parts of the state when feasible. The immediate Past President shall serve a term of one year immediately following his/her term as President.
Section 4.
The Secretary and the Treasurer shall be elected by the membership in accordance with Article VII, shall serve 4 year terms which are renewable, and shall be elected in years alternating with the election of the Vice President.
Section 5.
The Executive Committee shall be comprised of the President, the Vice President, the Secretary, and the Treasurer.
Section 6.
There may also be such Honorary Officers as may be determined by the membership.
Section 7.
The President shall be the chief executive of the Classical Association of Massachusetts and shall exercise the responsibilities usually associated with this office, including
•the designation of the editor of the newsletter and all committee members and chairs except as otherwise specified in the bylaws,
•presiding over meetings of the Board of Directors (see Article IV Section 1) and the general membership, •communicating with the Department of Education on matters that affect the teaching of Classics, •attending regional meetings and coordinating the efforts of the regional organizations and CAM, •making an official report to the meetings of the general membership,
•releasing press information regarding meetings and other events,
•supervising website maintenance or designating a webmaster to supervise such website maintenance, •and performing other duties as may be specified in the bylaws.
The President shall be an ex officio member of all committees of the Classical Association of Massachusetts except as specified in the bylaws.
Section 8. The Vice President shall
•organize the annual spring meeting,
•coordinate the collection and updating of state-wide data on teachers, enrollment, course offerings and texts, •release press information regarding classical instruction in Massachusetts
•attend regional meetings at the Presidentʼs request
• act for the President in the latterʼs absence,
•and shall perform other duties as may be specified in the bylaws.
Section 9. The Secretary shall
•inform Directors (see Article IV Section 1) of impending Board of Directorsʼ meetings,
•keep minutes of meetings of the Board of Directors, the Executive Committee, and the general membership,
•distribute minutes of meetings to the members of the Board of Directors and the website,
•publish an updated copy of the Constitution to include all amendments, bylaws, & acts of the Board of Directors,
•distribute the updated Constitution to the Board of Directors, incoming officers, and the website each year,
•solicit nominations from the membership for candidates for the “Excellence in the Teaching of Classics” award,
•keep original and print copies of the certificate for the “Excellence in the Teaching of Classics” award,
•attend regional meetings at the Presidentʼs request •perform other duties as may be specified in the bylaws.
Section 10. The Treasurer shall
•maintain or cause to be maintained up-to-date membership lists,
•have custody of the funds of the Classical Association of Massachusetts ,
•supervise the finances of the Classical Association of Massachusetts ,
•be responsible for the investment of the funds of the Classical Association of Massachusetts,
•attend regional meetings at the Presidentʼs request •perform other duties as may be specified in the bylaws.
Section 11.
The Editor of the newsletter shall be responsible for the publishing of the newsletter and including flyers with the newsletter,
coordinating delivery of the newsletter to all members and from time to time to all classicists and institutions teaching classical subjects in Massachusetts, and following policies recommended by the Board of Directors.
Section 12.
The immediate Past President shall attend meetings of the Executive Committee and the Board of Directors in order to provide advice and promote continuity.
Section 13.
The Representatives of CANE, MaFLA, MJCL and ACL shall
•attend the meetings of the CAM Board of Directors
•attend the meetings of their respective organizations
•inform CAM about the activities of and important dates from their respective organizations •coordinate and supervise the state entries into regional competitions
(e.g. The CANE representative shall handle the state level of the CANE Writing Contest) •assist the officers of CAM as requested
Section 14.
Any office which becomes vacant before the term of office expires shall be filled by the Board of Directors. Such appointees will serve out the remaining term of office or until the next meeting of the general membership.

Section 15.
For malfeasance or dereliction of duty, any officer of the Classical Association of Massachusetts may be removed from office by a two-thirds vote of the general membership in attendance at the Spring or Fall meeting.
Section 16.
No officer of the Classical Association of Massachusetts shall be compensated for services except as approved by the Board of Directors.
Section 17.
The Vice-President Elect, Secretary Elect, and Treasurer Elect shall assume their respective offices on June 15 subsequent to their election or at the conclusion of the first general membership meeting subsequent to their election to office, whichever occurs first. The new President shall assume office at the same time as the Vice-President Elect.
Article IV : Board of Directors
Section 1.
The Board of Directors shall be comprised of the:
officers of the Classical Association of Massachusetts
(President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, and immediate Past President) appointed officials of the Classical Association of Massachusetts
(newsletter editor, the Representatives to CANE, MaFLA , MJCL, and ACL
Regional Representatives (total of 8, if they have been elected or appointed) Members-at-large (total of 2, if they have been appointed)
Section 2.
The CANE, MAFLA, MJCL and ACL representatives shall serve either a three-year renewable term or a term whose length is governed by the rules of the organization which each represents.
Section 3.
The state 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7)
shall be divided into eight approximate regions:
Northshore (generally North of Route 128 and East of Route 3)
Greater Boston (generally within the Route 128 belt)
Southshore (generally East of Route 95 but outside the Route 128 belt and North of Route 44)
Southeastern Massachusetts (generally South of Route 44 & West of the Bourne and Sagamore Bridges)
Cape Cod (generally East of the Bourne and Sagamore Bridges)
Western Suburbs (generally within the Route 495 belt and between Route 3 and Route 95)
Central Massachusetts (generally West of Route 495 to the Quabbin Reservoir) Western Massachusetts (generally West of the Quabbin Reservoir)
(N.B. Region 8 will be served by the already existing Pioneer Valley Classical Association)
Each region should have a representative on the CAM Board of Directors. The regional representatives may serve as officers of
their respective regional organization and shall represent their respective regions on the Board of Directors. Alternates may also be appointed but each region shall have only one vote.
Section 4.
The regional representatives may be appointed/elected by the regional organization of the area they represent in cases where such an organization exists (e.g. the Western Massachusetts region is served by the already existing Pioneer Valley Classical Association) or appointed by the Executive Committee in cases where such an organization does not exist or has lapsed. The regional representatives will serve a three-year term which is renewable or a term whose length is governed by the rules of the
organization which each represents.
Section 5.
The Board of Directors shall meet at least once prior to each meeting of the general membership to plan the meetings, report on the state of Classics in their regions, assist the Executive Committee, and to plan the other events of the Association. In cases where distance makes attendance in person a hardship, such Directors may communicate with the rest of the Board via proxy, teleconference, or other electronic/communicative technology.
Section 6.
Regional representatives shall be prepared to report on regional activities at meetings of the Board. Regional representatives shall attempt to hold at least one meeting in their region per year. Such meetings will provide a forum for information from the Classical Association of Massachusetts to be dispersed to the regional membership and will provide opportunities for teachers to share ideas and discuss topics of interest in the study of Classics and pedagogy and send feedback to the Classical Association of Massachusetts.
Section 7.
Members-at-large may be appointed by the President in order to represent areas of the profession which are under represented on the Board, or because they possess particular expertise which may be helpful to the Board. These Members will serve a three- year term which is renewable.
Article V : Dues
Section 1.
Every member of the Association shall pay to the Treasurer an annual fee to be determined by the Board of Directors (currently at $10.00 per annum).
Article VI : Meetings
Section 1.
There shall be two state-wide meetings held for the professional benefit of the general membership and guests.
A) One meeting shall be held in the Fall in association with MaFLA.
B) One meeting is to be held in the Spring at a date not to conflict with the CANE Spring meeting and at a time
convenient for both Secondary and University level faculty. This meeting shall be held in conjunction with the annual business meeting of the Classical Association of Massachusetts.
Section 2.
Special meetings of the entire membership may be called by the Executive Committee.
Section 3.
The Executive Committee will distribute programs / agendas to the membership prior to all meetings of the membership.
Section 4.
There shall be a planned agenda for all regular meetings of the Board of Directors and the general membership.
Article VII : Nominating Committee and Elections
Section 1.
The Nominating Committee shall consist of three members of the Association not already on the Board of Directors. The Executive Committee shall submit the names of the members of the Nominating Committee to the Board of Directors for approval at a meeting or via electronic and telephone polling. The term of the committee shall be two years.

Section 2.
The Nominating Committee shall prepare a slate of candidates for the offices of Vice-President, Secretary, and Treasurer as required. The Nominating Committee shall canvass all regional representatives for the names of possible nominees for offices to be filled. The Nominating Committee shall verify these nominees are members of the Classical Association of Massachusetts in good standing, are willing to run for office, and, if elected, will serve. In addition, other candidates may be submitted by petition signed by at least fifteen (15) members of the Classical Association of Massachusetts and presented by January 15th to the Nominating Committee : such members shall be included automatically on the ballot, provided they are members in good standing and are willing to serve if elected.
Section 3.
The Nominating Committee will suggest, if and when necessary, names of possible regional representatives and submit their names for discussion and appointment by the Executive Committee.
Section 4.
All elections shall be held at the business session of the annual Spring Meeting of the Classical Association of Massachusetts or failing that voting by mail ballot. Such voting by mail ballot shall allow the membership 30 days in which to cast their ballots.
Section 5.
The Vice President shall be elected in 2008 and in every succeeding even numbered year.
The Secretary shall be elected in 2007 and in every succeeding fourth year. The Treasurer shall be elected in 2009 and in every succeeding fourth year.
Section 6.
The regional representatives shall serve a three year term. The regional representatives may be appointed/elected by the regional organization of the area they represent in cases where such an organization exists. These representatives, if elected, will be elected only by the members of their own region or appointed in accordance with Article IV sect.4 .
Section 7.
The CANE, MaFLA, and MJCL representatives shall be appointed by the individual organization and in accordance with Article IV sect.2. The ACL representative shall be appointed by the President of CAM.
Section 9.
The two members-at-large may be appointed by the President to serve a three year term.
Article VIII : Committees
Section 1.
The Executive Committee shall create and appoint necessary standing committees whose duties shall be to advance the aims and welfare of the Association.
Section 2.
The newsletter editor will be chairperson of the Public Relations Committee. The Vice-President will be member of the Public Relations Committee. Other members of shall be appointed by the President.
Section 3.
The President may establish and appoint ad hoc committees and task forces as the need arises to deal with particular problems within the profession and within the organization.
Article IX : Amendments
Section 1.
Amendments or additions may be made to this Constitution by a two-thirds majority vote of the general membership present at any regular business meeting. Such amendments may be proposed by an Association member and must be given in writing to the President no later than one month prior to the business meeting.
Section 2.
Amendments must be presented in written form to the general membership prior to the vote on such an amendment.
Section 3.
Bylaws not contrary to any provision of this constitution may be established. The bylaws may be amended or repealed and new bylaws may be adopted by a vote of a majority of the general membership in attendance at any regular or special meeting.
Article X : Publications
Section 1.
Any publication of the Association shall be issued under the supervision of the Newsletter Editor.

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