Speaking, Writing, Reading and Teaching Latin at the MFA

Meetings, ProfessionalDevelopment, UsingLatin
"An Announcement for Members of CAM: Speaking, Writing, Reading and Teaching Latin at the MFA Dr. James Dobreff has brought a new teaching style to UMass Boston, where the majority of instruction in elementary Latin is now done in Latin. The core of the department’s approach revolves around (1) Hans H. Ørberg’s Lingua Latina per se illustrata series, (2) speaking and writing Latin as a foundation for the teaching of grammar and syntax and (3) multifaceted group activities inside and outside the classroom. He has designed a two-part workshop in which teachers can learn more about this active approach. The morning will be devoted a two-hour seminar at the Riley Conference room at the MFA. The focus will be on how Ørberg’s text can be used in a classroom and…
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